Fuel Tanker & Fuel Tanker Trailer

Fuel Tanker & Fuel Tanker Trailer

Fuel Tanker

Type: Fuel Tanker
Tank Capacity : 3000 lt. – 20.000 lt.
Tank Material : Made of 4 mm. ST 37 plate
Tank section : It can be produced as Eciptic or D cut.

Fuel Tanker Installation:
With suitable capacity fuel pump and gauge
30 mt – 40 mt conic gear hose reel

Fuel Tanker Accesories:

Hose and gun
Mudguard powder wheel
Tool Box
Grounding Chain
2″ ï10 mt suction hose

Fuel Tanker Trailer

Type: Oil tanker trailer
Tank Capacity : 28.000 lt. – 40.000 lt.
Chassis and axles are produced referring to highway and TSE norms. Bottom filling and discharge system equipments, 1 unit pressure vacuum safety ventile is installed for every free part. There is a menhole cap with sealing gasket.